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Our Sapphire Collections by Color
You will find real sapphire stones in our extensive collection, mined from mother nature. Our untreated sapphires proffer true beauty, uniqueness, rarity, and superior value compared to lab-created and treated sapphires.
Apart from that, we’ve got a huge collection of sapphire rings for women from a Lady Diana-inspired engagement ring to a stunning cocktail ring that makes a statement. We’ve also got bracelets, earrings, and so much more.
Peruse our broad range of blue stones, from vivid blue to light blue sapphire. We’ve got Kashmir, Burma, and Ceylon stones, which are exceptionally cut to bring out their stunning colors. Our Ceylon Sapphires from Sri Lanka are a best seller.
Although blue sapphire, the birthstone of September, is a popular choice, Ceylons also come in stunning purple. It gets its violet hue from the presence of vanadium in the stone, resulting in shades ranging from lavender to deep purple.
Yellow sapphire belongs to the corundum family. It is known as the twin of ruby and blue sapphires, and come in a range of golden yellow to orange. The best quality is lemon-yellow, and this is due to iron and titanium.
Another beautiful member of the corundum family of minerals are pink sapphires. They are very rare, containing a combination of iron, titanium, copper, and chromium. Traces of these elements are responsible for giving the piece its unique shade.
Scientifically speaking, there is no red sapphire since red corundum is called a ruby. Both rubies and sapphires hail from the corundum mineral. Only the red has its own jewelry trade name while other colors are called sapphires.
Black sapphire is a stunning opaque gemstone with a very dark color that appears as if it absorbs all the light that bounces on it. This beauty forms within the earth’s surface, and it takes thousands of years to get its shade.
How Much Are Sapphires Worth?
The fact that the late-Lady Diana owned a stunning sapphire engagement ring proves that sapphire is one of the most elegant and valuable gemstones in the world. Thus, many people covet this gemstone for its tough exterior (2nd to diamond) and durability. The various colors of sapphires also provide an eye-catching luster beyond compare. Depending on the gemstone you choose, sapphire price can cost $25 per carat to more than $11,000 per carat. A sapphire sale is rare, but at Israel diamonds, our prices are always competitive.